Saturday, June 30, 2007

Community Gumbo and The Green Project

At 8 on Saturday morning Frances and Brent woke early for a radio interview with New Orlean WTUL, Community Gumbo. Feeling rested and not the least bit hung over, they spent over an hour with DJ Brian D. talking about the project and trying to switch their cell phones to silent. (Check the BGB website for audio and listen carefully for Frances’ ring tone just after the first commercial break). A disastrous attempt to drive home from the radio station ended somewhere outside the city limits where a compassionate police officer gave them directions and asked if they could please stop running stop signs while reading their map.

The Bus meanwhile headed to the art museum in City Park where it met up with reps from our sponsor Waste Management. The afternoon was spent at the Green Project, a massive home building recycling center where the crew helped prepare the upstairs loft for the recyclable fashion show. Garrett, Karen, and Anna were all awesome, and we were glad to help with such a good cause. It was there that we met Waste Manegment's P.R. rep who answered the age old question of what happens to news reporters when they retire (they move to New Orleans and are also never the least bit hung over). Before too long it was time to roll though, and after a fill up at Whole Foods and an emotional goodbye with the Tuplers we were back on the road headed to Plano Texas. Goodbye New Orleans, I for one, will make a point of seeing you again soon.

- brent

The Big Green Bus Crew at The Green Project!

[Frances to Police Officer] We’ve been looking for someone like you!!

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